This section is for things directly for sale on this site. Including All Insulators - Crown Jewels of the Wire Magazine.
There are also some items continuously available such as die- cut stickers of the CD 265 Fisher (our mascot insulator), All Insulators - Crown Jewels of the Wire logo, coffee mug with our logo and several different types of insulators. Mug is available in 20 colors! An insulator pillow (my personal favorite item, so cool!) that has many different types of insulators on it. Several different types and colors of T-shirts and sweatshirts.
Below you will find examples of insulator related T-Shirts, coffee mugs, beverage glasses and more. The designs are from old (out of copyright) ads (and patents) for insulators. The ads have been colorized to add some pop! I plan on creating some original designs too. If you have ideas of an insulator related item you would love to see, contact me and I will see what I can do.
All items are available for purchase on All Insulators Cafe Press page. On the Cafe Press page you can see a sample of the items available along with pricing and can buy directly from the online store.
Designs available on T-shirts, coffee mugs, drinking glasses, calendars posters and notebooks.
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