
Special Thanks to:
Nora Coppo, for all the information provided about Italian manufacture markings.
Andrew Gibson, For providing helpful suggestions on this site.
Bob Berry and the NIA for the info on the unipart "sub divisions" and for photos.
Worldwide Porcelain Insulators (Book By Marilyn Albers and Jack Tod) for drawings of some of the porcelain insulator markings.
Elton Gish for photos and information on US Multiparts & Uniparts.

Photo Contributors:
Aidan Morgan
Arlen Rienstra
Barry Conolly
Bill Meier
Bill Sutliff
Butch Haltman
Bob Scafe
Brian Riecker
Charlie Irons
Charles Robinson
Christian Willis
Colin Jung
Crag Richardson
Crown Jewels of the Wire
Dan Wagner
Dante Dimidio
Darin Cochran
David Collins
David Erickson
Denis Stewert
Dick Bowman
Diego Botero
Doug Rusher
Doug Smith
Dwayne Anthony
Earnest Griffin
Elton Gish
Gene Kingsley
Gregory Glendenning
Ian Macky
Jeffrey Kraemer
Jon Bule
John Rajpolt
Jim Colburn
Justin Martin
Justin Stoudt
Jim White
Ken Willick
Lee Brewer
Michael Gibbons
Mid Norris
Mike Guthrie
Michele Kotlarsky
Mike Parker
Mike Spadafora
Nathan Smack
National Insulator Association/ Bob Berry
Paul Greaves
Paul Terek
Raven Kotlarsky
Richard Wentzel
Rick Baldwin
Rick Joans
Rudy Gargioni
Ron Jenkins
Ron Yuhas
Steve Coffman
Stan Severi
Terry Drollinger
Tom Katonak
Walter Baumgardt
Zac Mirecki
Zaphir Shamma