All Insulators, Crown Jewels of the Wire

Crown Jewels of the Wire Magazine

The official magazine for insulator collectors since 1969

For 50 years Crown Jewels of the Wire has been the leading publication for glass and porcelain insulator hobby news, history, articles with columns devoted to worldwide insulators, show reports, in-depth research articles, meeting announcements, photos and other insulator information. There is something for everyone who enjoys insulators!

Starting with the Spring 2019 edition, Crown Jewels has become a full-sized, 8.5” x 11”,  full color magazine that will be published quarterly.

Insulator Show listings

The hobby's source for insulator show listings.

Insulator identification

All Insulators CD, U, M, ST, GS

This website is a place for photos of ALL insulators – not just glass from North America. This is a place where you will find photos and information on insulators from around the world!

I hope to get a photo of each known CD, U, M, ST and GS-numbered insulator from inside and outside the US. The site is continually growing. In fact, it is the only website with a complete gallery of all reported styles of US Battery rest insulators, largest curated photo gallery of Unipart and Multipart style insulators and home to two identification systems (ST and GS)

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